November 2020
It’s the end it’s the beginning it’s now it’s not yet it’s life it’s death it’s light it’s darkness it’s a part it’s a whole. The journey of faith is a both-and experience. We continually encounter God in a variety of ways and God (…)
Thanks to a grant from the American Academy of Franciscan History, we have digitized many audiovisual materials in the Franciscan Archives collection! Below is a video recording of the sod turning at Lumsden, SK, on May 16, 1962 to begin construction of St. Michael’s (…)
“Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it (…)
Here we are launched into November with lesser daylight and colder weather enfolding us. I find this month often calls us to settle in, to listen differently, to take stock of what we know has been and how we want to step into the (…)
Last year, the Archives received a grant from the American Academy of Franciscan History to preserve and make accessible the photographs and audiovisual materials in our collection. In addition to photographs, negatives, and slides, our Archives also holds VCR tapes, film reels, vinyl records, (…)