As a continuation of the previous post, after the friary in Regina was dedicated as a retreat house in 1931, the Franciscans prepared to open the Regina Minorum Friary to visitors and retreatants. This included the following enthusiastic welcome found in the opening pages of the Regina Minorum Friary guest book:
Franciscan Closed Retreat House.
Part II
This second part of the present register will include names of visitors to our Franciscan Closed Retreat House.
The property being bought from the Episcopal Corporation of Regina for that purpose.
Visitors are cordially and respectfully invited to sign.
To each and every one we cordially say:
Welcome! Come in the evening, come in the morn,
come when you’re looked for, come without warning.
A thousand welcomes you’ll find here before you,
and the oftener you come, the more we’ll love you!
Franciscan Fathers.