St. Anthony’s feast is celebrated every year on June 13. On June 13, 1928, St. Anthony’s feast was celebrated for the first time in Vancouver’s St. Francis Friary with a Pontifical High Mass said by Archbishop Timothy Casey. This memorable event was recorded in the friary chronicles and captured in a photograph from the archives.
Beautiful day and the Big Day for our Monastery in Vancouver: the first Celebration of St. Anthony’s Feast and that by the Archbishop. Early in the morning, Fr. Superior said Mass and then made the Throne for the Archbishop. Fr. Norbert said Mass at 6.30 and by 7.30 the chapel was crowded to capacity.
The Archbishop came in his own car driven by Charles Bean, formerly of our parish in North Edmonton. His Grace was in excellent humour. All went in procession to the Chapel where Pontifical High Mass was celebrated. Father Griffith gave a short, nice sermon on St. Anthony.
After Mass a Japanese photographer took a picture of His Grace, the Clergy, and Faithful.
His Grace after breakfast, wrote into the Visitor’s Book the following: “Peace to this House and to all the Inhabitants thereof. Timothy, Archbishop of Vancouver. June 13, 1928.”