Christ in me arise and dispel all the darkness.
Christ in me arise with your power and your strength.
Christ in me pour out your blessing and healing.
Christ in me arise and I shall rise with you.
– song by Trevor Thomson – Christ In Me Arise
We have now entered into the Season of Lent – The Season of Love. For us to walk well in this season we need to constantly be bringing to mind Christ. I know that sounds obvious and should be the daily means for Christian living, but it is not always the reality. I know in my own life I need reminders, I need to be prompted to go back to my source who is Christ. I need to be tweaked, challenged, quiet and prayerful so I can see Christ, meet Christ and know Christ in my every day.
This past week I have been praying with the song by Trevor Thomson called “Christ in Me Arise.” This piece of music has been full of nudges to be the ambassador for Christ that Lent calls each of us to be (see the last post). The lyrics are not only hopeful they call me to life and to be aware that Christ dwells in me and calls me to be open to him each day.
“Christ in me arise and dispel all the darkness,” the refrain begins. Yes, Lord Jesus, dwell in me for you are light and life and the darkness of the world and my own journey can be a bit much at times to hold. Arise in me Jesus for I know you break through darkness and lead me in ways that are everlasting. This is my Lenten desire, to walk with you in this Season of Love for your light illumines my path and shows me what needs to be tweaked, changed and broken open so I may know Easter joy.
The bridge of the song declares “I live and move in you, my whole being thrives in you.” Yes, Lord Jesus, live and move in me in this Season of Love that I may more closely walk with you, carry the cross like Simon, be present to the journey, rely on you for strength and courage to truly know your ways and paths. Arise in me Jesus for I know this is the only way I will thrive and know the fullness of love. This too is my Lenten desire to thrive – to be alive, to “act justly, to love kindness, to walk humbly with you” (Micah 6.8). Thriving means I’m rooted in you and live as an Easter person knowing your love beyond the cross and grave into new life.
Yes Lent is indeed the Season of Love, calling us to be aware of our actions, our words and our living. Calling us to brave enough and open enough to allow Christ to arise in us and lead us to the kingdom which is love beyond all understanding.
No matter where we are this Lenten week or who we are with invite Christ in; let him dwell among our family and friends, co-workers and neighbours and in each of us…it is truly here that Christ will arise and we will come to see the gift of being his ambassadors.
Blessings for you and your families in the journey of this Lenten Week.
This Family Day Weekend be sure to tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them…
be an ambassador…
I dare you…