God came to visit me today
I had nothing to say
God just smiled.
How do I know God visited?
I just know.
God does too.
Why didn’t I say anything?
I didn’t have too
God didn’t either.
God came to visit me today.
I just smiled.
God with me.
This simple reflection arose in me over the course of the past 15 days. It is nothing spectacular or amazing, it simply arose as a moment of awareness. In the busy schedules and demands, among emails and text messages, in training sessions and community prayer, with friends and loved ones, during conversations and television shows, around the Thanksgiving table or at a coffee shop, during the Eucharist or a final meal at my Grandparents home before they move, God with us. It was in these moments over the past few weeks that I was reminded again that this holy encounter happens each day. I must see with fresh eyes again and again so I can “ponder all these things in my heart” and then allow that deep quiet which resides there to speak to me.
May you be aware of your holy encounter in your visit from God.
Much peace and a heart full of gratitude to continue to bless your journey.