A few years ago, a young friend of mine gave me a card during Advent. He had drawn it himself. On it were three mountains and bannering across the top in bold childhood writing was the word LOVE. That simple card triggered for me a reality check about how I was using the word love and how I was not. It also promoted me to make the word Love a more evident part of my prayers and reflections for the coming year. I had found that our culture uses love for everything from cars to pizza to sweaters to family and I was caught up in that. With our limitations on the word love we often fail to express ourselves well and this simple card awoke that in me.
That card crosses my mind again as we move into this final week of Advent and the coming feast of Christmas. The image of the mountains on that card remind me again that God’s love is present on our mountain peaks and also in our valley depths because no matter what we face or endure our hearts can “forever… sing of your steadfast love, O Lord” (Psalm 89). Love on our mountain peaks is easy to describe it is the family at table, the good news we are told and the celebrations of life. However, to sing and live out the steadfast love is not always easy yet our God is with us. When we endure a health crisis, live in a pandemic or stand at the edge of a grave it is hard to think of love bannering over us. When we flee a war-torn country, face the ugly reality of racism or defend the dignity of another it may be hard to think of love bannering over us. Yet it is in these dark valley moments that the banner drops and wraps itself around us with hope, courage and strength. Our hearts are softened as this love settles in and we again align with God’s love, which no matter the mountain top or valley depth is declaring goodness, offering comfort and encouraging us to live well.
Mary had to trust that love was in the message of the angel, she had to trust that love would win over Joseph’s worries, she had to trust that love would guide her as she freely declared “Here am I, the servant of the Lord” (Luke 1.38) This was trusting in the goodness, comfort, encouragement and strength of love. As we journey into these final days of Advent, amongst the chaos, uncertainties and this pandemic can we allow love to banner over us and be the road we walk to Bethlehem? Can we trust that love is the road of our heart leading to the crib of Christ? Can we with Mary trust that love is real and not some simple illusion or fix that commercials try and sell us? Can we with Mary say “here I am, I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord?”
Week Four of Advent is known as the Week of Love. May this final week of Advent awaken us to the truth of love. Where do you need to incorporate love into your daily living in these days ahead? Let that love be your guide to break through the demands of the week. The days are few, the weariness may seem overpowering but hope remains, peace breathes in us and joy lights the flame of our heart. May we walk boldly in love during these final days of Advent, in the coming season of Christmas and into 2021.
With an earnest heart
and childlike hope
be born in me I pray.
Be born in me I pray
your love made known
in my words and ways.
Seeking true light
kindled in me
be born in me I pray
Be born in me I pray
your very heart
made known each day.
Humility and openness
are the vessels I offer
be born in me I pray
Be born in me I pray
Christ Child you are welcome
each and every day.
Artwork: Claire Ziprick
Photo: Josiah Weiss