“Blessed are you” in the gospels seems to be a way of saying,
“Be filled with hope.”
This current trying situation you are in will pass – be filled with hope!
This time of uncertainty consuming you will end – be filled with hope!
This hurt that is inflicted on you will not linger forever – be filled with hope!
The request to change your life is possible – be filled with hope!
To be filled with hope reminds us to turn our attention to Jesus. We must let go of our self-focus. We must keep our gaze on him who endured and transformed situations, uncertainties, hurts, and the human condition by filling them with hope and turning them into a blessing.
“Blessed are you…” is again an invitation to surrender and to trust that indeed “anything is possible with God.”
“Blessed are you…” is again an invitation to exult in the gift of the “kingdom life” offered to us.
“Blessed are you…” is again an invitation to be filled, for there is an abundance of mercy and hope in every day.
“Blessed are you…” let us rejoice as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus with the hope of the “great reward of heaven.”
We are blessed
God overflows goodness in our life.
We trust
God is at work in us.
We rejoice
God is always with us.
We yearn for the kingdom
God keeps promises with us.
We are filled
God is always generous with us.
We are blessed
God renews us with hope.

Photo Credits: Alex Shute and Carly Hunley, Jr.