This coming week we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (October 4).
As I prepare for this feast day and reflect on the founder of the Order in which I profess to live, the word Brother stands out for me. Francis instilled in his followers the gift of brotherhood and it is something I continue to strive to do well in this life journey.
St. Francis pray for us.
Fraternity beckons me beyond myself
it requires compassion and presence.
Minority beckons me beyond myself
it requires simplicity and trust.
Obedience beckons me beyond myself
it requires listening and openness.
Chastity beckons me beyond myself
it requires love and respect.
Poverty beckons me beyond myself
it requires awareness and honesty.
Community beckons me beyond myself
it requires awareness and collaboration.
Religious Life beckons me beyond myself
it requires enthusiasm and generosity.
Faith beckons me beyond myself
it requires prayer and service.
Hope beckons me beyond myself
it requires freedom and joy.
Love beckons me beyond myself
it requires kinship and sacrifice.
When I am called Brother
it beckons me beyond myself
it requires to embrace Christ and live the Gospel.