Matthew 20.1-16 is the parable of the landowner and the labourers. It is an interesting parable often used for various statements on serving, for vocations, on justice. The final line often catches everyone’s attention: “The last will be first, and the first will be last.” It is no doubt a challenge for us as followers of Christ. However the line just before it, the last words of the landowner caught my attention. He says, “Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?” I hear our Generous God ask these two questions with a smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye and a joy yet challenge in his voice. It had me thinking about how generous our God really is even when we don’t acknowledge, see or remember this gift of generosity.
God’s Abundant Generosity
In every breath we breathe,
in every move we make,
in every sight we see,
God’s generosity abounds.
When trials come and we persevere,
when demands come and we are patient,
when curve balls come and we stay the course,
God’s generosity abounds.
In the moments we don’t count the cost,
in the moments we learn to surrender,
in the moments we embody humility,
God’s generosity abounds.
When we help the neighbour and the foe,
when we rise above the noise with peace,
when we share respect with and for all,
God’s generosity abounds.
In serving with a joyful heart,
in being present in the here and now,
in giving of ourselves freely,
God’s generosity abounds.
When we are eager and give our all,
when we are stuck and give what we can,
when we are drained and give the little we have,
God’s generosity abounds.
In building a kingdom of love – not our own,
in building communities that bring life,
in building up those around us,
God’s generosity abounds.
When we acknowledge our wrongs,
when we seek forgiveness,
when we discover all we are given,
God’s generosity abounds.
In realizing our life is not a possession,
in realizing our daily blessings,
in realizing we always belong to God,
God’s generosity abounds.
When being first slips away,
when being last becomes fruitful,
when being generous in who we are and with what we have,
God’s generosity abounds.
Daily… no matter what… recognized or not….
God’s generosity abounds!
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