It is said that a photo is worth a thousand words. Photos can often call us to pay attention to our heart and cause us to listen to what is being said in our soul. For Lent 2022 these weekly reflections will be focused on a photo. Seven friends each sent me a photo that they took, which stirred their hearts and captured their attention. I in turn have spent time with each photo and crafted a brief reflection for us to sit with during these weeks of Lent.
I invite you into these Lenten weeks, to come and be, come and listen, come and see. Like Lectio Divina “divine reading” is letting God speak to us through scripture, this is Visio Divina – “divine seeing”, letting God speak to us through the photo.
Ash Wednesday: Growth We arise from ashes, called to be ambassadors heralding hope, transformed from seed to flower during these forty days even in the most unlikely of places. Christ Jesus, in this Lenten Season be our nourishment so that we may grow to radiate more like you. Amen.
Lenten Blessings.