The last few weeks have been very full and full of much goodness. Within this fullness there has been demands, pressures and my own expectations not to mention the responsibilities and gift of fraternity. In all of this fullness I have been pondering the unfolding journey and I have been reminded about the gift of peace our Risen Lord offers. The following two prayers come from reflecting on the gift of this peace. May we remember that it always offered to us.
always from You
sitting with You
penetrating my core.
a gift for me
an awareness of Your spirit
strengthening me.
released into freedom
greater than this world
aligning my living in You.
“Peace I leave you. My peace I give you.” (John 14.23-29)
Christ Jesus,
You know I have days of
chaos, uncertainty and frustrations
and you are in these moments with me.
The gift of your peace is wrapped up in your love
poured forth from your heart into my own heart.
Your peace is what produces joy
and walks hand in hand with hope which leads me to life.
For the gift of your peace I give you praise.
Lord you call me to be a
vessel of life
vessel of joy
vessel of peace.
You are my strength and my all.
Lord you call me to be a
path to life
path to justice
path to fraternity.
You are my strength and my all.
Lord you call me to
open my heart
open my hands
open my soul.
You are my strength and my all.
Lord you call me
to be one with you
to trust in your way
to let your light penetrate my all.
You are my strength and my all.