I recently heard a Friar use the phrase “saturated with the Holy Spirit.”
Is that not a beautiful image and thought?
To be completely consumed and filled by the Holy Spirit; wrapped up in the Trinitarian Love of our God.
To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means we must be vessels open to the will of God and seeking the freedom of being God’s children (Romans 8.15-16). To be saturated with the Holy Spirit awakens us to God at work in our lives and the lives of those around us. To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means that we are open to new works, new beginnings and being made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5.17). To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means we seek ways of peace, healing and hope to shape our lives. To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means we utilize the gifts of wisdom, understanding, right judgement, knowledge, reverence, courage and wonder and awe. To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means we live out our baptismal call of being priest, prophet and king; building the kingdom here and now for we are “led by the Spirit” as “children of God” (Romans 8.14).
As Pentecost draws near, I believe for a few reasons, I have been letting this saturation idea sit within and around me. The first reason is that Pentecost awakens us to the gift of the Spirit at work in each one of us – yes, each one of us – not just a select few. The idea of us embracing this saturation leads me to hopefulness for it means we are in tune with the love of our God and the reality it calls us to, not the false reality our world tries to have us claim. When we allow this saturation to happen, we dream new dreams and truly embrace who we are: the beloved of God. May we be open to being saturated with the Holy Spirit. (I believe it may be a simple start to pray: Come Holy Spirit and fill my life.)
The second reason is that Pentecost is the Feast Day for the Province of Franciscan Friars I belong to. In fact, this Pentecost is our first in celebrating it as our Feast Day; being the newly founded Holy Spirit Province as of this past October. It is a time for us to celebrate the union of the two Canadian Franciscan Provinces into one. It is time for us to be renewed in our ministry, our spiritual life and our presence in Canada. It is a time for us to embrace the challenge of being Friars who live the way of Gospel going where the Holy Spirit is calling us and leading us. It is a time for us to listen to how the Holy Spirit is awakening us to new ways. This is the work of being saturated with the Holy Spirit.
The third reason is that this Pentecost I will be on pilgrimage and retreat for my Solemn Vows. I will be with 11 other Friars from North America and our guides for three and half weeks on pilgrimage in Italy. Walking where St. Francis walk, seeing where the Franciscan Order came to birth, encountering holy sites which shaped St. Francis and his brothers, encountering the sacred peace of Assisi and the bond which St. Francis had with St. Clare and the many who profess to follow Gospel living will fill our days. This pilgrimage is indeed the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and like St. Francis would say, who is our true guide (minister). This Pentecost we will indeed be saturated with the Holy Spirit.
The fourth reason is that Pentecost is about birth and new beginnings and that is truly where I am at. One part of my journey is coming to a close as new paths are made known as my Solemn Vows are drawing near. The day that profess these vows I am professing to live my life within the Franciscan order and will indeed be a day of birth and new beginnings. It will also mark the beginning of being missioned to Retreat Ministry. I will be ministering with my brothers and our retreat team to share the good news of the Gospel for all who seek a place of peace, prayer, healing and an encounter with God. It is time for packing up and beginning again; it is a time for new horizons and encounters; it is indeed a time of being saturated with the Holy Spirit so I may continue to be a living and holy icon and tabernacle for Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis.
So as Pentecost draws near, and final items are placed in my backpacks I pray:
Come Holy Spirit,
Come and dwell within me,
Open me up to the depth of your love,
Saturate me with all that you are
For you my God are my all
And in you I live and move and have my being.
This will be my last post until well into summer time. I am taking the pilgrimage time for prayer, encounter and rest. Thank you for journeying with me through this blog. I humbly ask your prayers for the Franciscans in Canada and for the 12 of us and our guides who are on pilgrimage and for those who are preparing to make Solemn Vows.
Peace and all Good.
May your summer be a Holy Spirit saturated summer!
May God Bless and Keep you.