Awaken within me,
O God,
awaken within me
your deep joy,
your lasting love,
your freeing peace.
Awaken within me,
O God,
awaken within me
your gentle strength,
your compassionate care,
your everlasting presence.
Awaken within me,
O God,
awaken within me
all that is life,
all that is hope,
all that is you.
Awaken within me,
O God,
awaken within me
my heart
in tune with yours
that I may live fully.
As we move into the season of summer may our hearts be awakened to God’s goodness at work. In this season of rest and refreshment may we pause to hear and see how and where God is awakening us. While we will continue to hear of crisis, devastation and the continuing pandemic let us be awakened to God present with us and in the good works being done.
Much peace and much goodness to be awakened in you this 2020 summer.
God’s Many Blessings.
Over the next several weeks of summer my blog posts will be sporadic.
Thank you for journeying with me as I share my reflections. I humbly ask for your continued prayers.