The Sunday after Easter Sunday, which brings the Octave of Easter to a close, always has the gospel (John 20.19-31) about Thomas and Jesus appearing to him and the other disciples eight days later. Thomas is often referred to as “Doubting Thomas.”
I have often pondered Thomas and this whole scenario. I have considered why he was not there on that Easter Sunday night. I have reflected on his ultimatum and his declaration when Jesus did appear to him. I think that I get Thomas a bit more and maybe even feel like we have a bit of a connection. A connection because I too know what and where doubt is in my own journey and I too have seen the gift of the Resurrection at work in my life. I am always thankful for Thomas not being there that Easter night for he helped open our eyes to look for and see our Risen Lord in our time and place.
“My Lord and My God”
the only words I could say.
His peace consumed and filled me
I could now finally see.
Not just with my eyes
but more so with my heart,
freedom settled in this I knew
for I was seen beyond what I do.
His hands, his feet and his side
pierced through and through,
marked in truth and with love
leading me and you in ways above.
My brothers did not ask why
nor did they ask where
I was the that first Sunday night.
I was wrestling with darkness and with light.
His words echoed in my ears,
He promised he would return.
Could this be? Was it true?
I had hoped it was what I knew!
I needed air, I needed some space,
to clear my mind, to listen and process.
When I returned their news struck my heart,
for a whole week I wrestled to know my part.
My ears still ring with his words
of peace, of belief, of me, of you.
I was part of his amazing unfolding plan
so you may see yourself within his clan.
Times will come in this lifetime
when doubts will settle in,
it’s true it happens, but do not fear
Christ the Risen Lord is always right here.
His life was lived in obedience,
His love for all was always his lead,
He trusted in God; giving his all
no price too great, no need too small.
I offer to you my words of praise,
they are from heart, they speak truth,
for I know you too can see and with me laud:
“Jesus you are My Lord and My God.”
Jesus our Risen Lord,
We pray for our eyes
and our hearts to be open
in this week ahead
and the whole Easter Season
so we may see you
and know the gift of vision
and new life you continually
share with us.
Continued Easter Blessings!
- all credit to the artist who painted the amazing image of Jesus and Thomas