Montréal, QC, Rosemont
Called by Jesus Christ, and driven by the Gospel, the friars of the Resurrection Convent, come from different generation and cultural horizons. They reflect diversified situations and projects, while living together as witnesses of the Gospel. They deepen their faith through prayer and spiritual renewal, and share in charity according to community priorities, personal charisma and circumstances. The community also accompanies the Provincial Administration in its mission, activities and endeavors.
Aimé Dô Van Thông (Guardian), Marc Alarie (Vicar), Benoît Njumbwe Bahati, Lionel Chagnon, Pierre Charland, Ngoc Thanh Joseph Hoang, Joachim Ostermann, Roger Poudrier (Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes, Laval), Joseph Powers
Couvent de la Résurrection
6444 Rue Lescarbot
Montréal, QC H1M 1M7
514 259-6911