Montréal, QC, Parc-Extension

In the light and the spirit of the PCO of Nairobi which invites us to the « conversion to a more genuine Franciscan life in today’s rapidly changing world », we have identified and chosen the following ways for our «going out» mission to the brothers and sisters in Parc-Extension, migrants and refugees, coming from different cultures and religious denominations:
- Solidifying our relation with God by giving more quality to our liturgy and more time for meditation and personal silent prayer;
- Deepening the communion with our brothers and sisters ad intra and ad extra, through significant presences;
- Favoring activities with youth in our parishes, and inviting them to share some services to the poor.
Regi Mathew (Guardian), Emmanuel Bisimwa Nshombo (Vicar), Gabriel Lacerte-Robitaille, Néhémie Prybinski, Sostenes Torres Velasco
Couvent Saint-Joseph
7785, avenue d’Outremont
Montréal, QC H3N 2M1
514 933-4243