“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb.”
– Luke 1.41
God of Love,
This season of Advent is slipping away
and we are once again at the threshold of
celebrating the light of your love Jesus
– our Emmanuel and Savior born for us.
In these limited Advent days
may we be attentive
to how your love
meets us, encourages us,
restores us and heals us.
When the darkness seems too much
meet us with the light of your love.
When the hurts of past try to rob us
meet us with the light of your love.
When the imperfections and incomplete
are made known in the days ahead
meet us with the light of your love.
When the expectations and demands
leave us drained
meet us with the light of your love.
When the voices around us are not kind
or do not know the true gift of this season
meet us with the light of your love.
When we come to the manger
with the simple gift of who we are
meet us with the light of your love,
and lead us to share
the light of your love with others.
Photo Credit: Jan Hruska