The season of Easter is drawing to a close as the great feast of Pentecost draws near. The feast celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a special way. This feast through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit shows us that community and openness are valuable gifts. It is an invitation to new beginnings and to celebrate our inherent goodness.
In the letter to the Ephesians (1.17-19) we read: “I pray that God… give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Jesus, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you.”
Each day the Spirit is present in our living, moving, and being. Each day the Spirit infuses us in our vocation and the way we carry ourselves in it. Each day the Spirit enables us to share, serve and create. Each day the Spirit awakens us to the depths that are stirring the soul. Each day the Spirit encourages us in our relationship with Christ, to allow the wisdom and revelation of God to penetrate our living and lead us into the fullness of life. Each day the Spirit asks us to utilize the eyes of the heart and listen well for we are enlightened by God, whether we can see it or not. Each day we are invited to know the hope which is ours, for in Christ hope is our daily blessing.
As the feast of Pentecost draws near and then as we live into the days and months after Pentecost let us ask ourselves:
How am I part of the community?
How do I value others in community?
How open am I to the promptings of the Spirit?
What new beginning am I being asked to consider?
How am I inviting the Holy Spirit into this new beginning?
Where is the Spirit calling me to live, move and be in new ways?
Are the eyes of my heart opened or closed?
Can I trust enough that the Spirit is present if I allow them to be opened?
What signs of hope have I encountered in these weeks of Easter?
What is my prayer to the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit,
enkindle in us the fire of your love,
stir up in us the valuable gifts you willing share with us,
so that we may continue to be vessels of all that is good
and in turn be a blessing to others.
Pentecost is the Feast Day for the Franciscans of Canada.
The Holy Spirit is our patron as we continue to preach the gospel in Canada.
We humbly ask for your continued prayers and support.
Peace and All Good.
Photo Credit: Jon Tyson