We the Franciscans are on the edge of a new beginning! As Franciscans we are about to become one OFM Franciscan Province in Canada. There will be new leadership and new challenges as we become one bilingual province. It is an an exciting time and also a time for reflection, great change, new opportunities, new dreams and a chance for us to reflect on our chasrism and founder and live it for this time and place.
This edge we stand on provides us with a choice.
One option is not to allow the Holy Spirit in and then slide down the edge and fumble our way into our future.
The other option is to be open and to work with the patron of our new province; the Holy Spirit. This will mean soaring to new heights, a renewed vigor, a newness, a breath of fresh air and as Francis would say a chance to, “begin again for up until now we have done very little.”
The difference is one option means we focus on our own desires. The other option is to focus on Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit united in the love of God. The choice should be obvious. Francis reminds us that we are spouses, brothers and mothers of Christ. This means we are constantly open to life – especially new life in Christ. This is a birthing moment, a life-giving moment, a new-life moment.
I am hopeful.
Come Holy Spirit and fill our Franciscan Province
with your wisdom, your vision and your life
in these days of Chapter
and as we walk with the changes that will come.
Be at our side as we stand on this edge.
Please pray for the Franciscans of Canada over these days ahead. Chapter is an important time of prayer, meetings and fraternity. We humbly ask your prayers.
I will be using the song ‘Holy Spirit’ by Jesse Manibusan in my personal prayer time over the week. I invite you to do the same as you hold the Franciscans, your needs and loved ones in prayer.