The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14
The Christmas Crèche was introduced to the world by St. Francis of Assisi. It is a great symbol of the Christmas Season and one that should draw us in each year to ponder and reflect.
The story of the first Christmas Crèche is a story written by Br. Thomas of Celano. It is known as Christmas at Greccio. Br. Thomas writes, “Burning with excessive love, Francis often calls Christ the “babe from Bethlehem” when he means to call him Jesus. He seems to lick his lips whenever he uses the expressions “Jesus” or “babe from Bethlehem,” tasting the word on his happy palate and savoring the sweetness of the word.” (The Life of St. Francis by Thomas of Celano)
May we, filled with love and hope, join with St. Francis this Christmas and all through the New Year in declaring Christ – the Babe from Bethlehem among us.
The Babe from Bethlehem
The Babe from Bethlehem who
Born in a stable,
Became a refugee,
Trusted in his parent’s love,
Grew in wisdom and stature,
Went about his Father’s business.
The Babe from Bethlehem who would (grow up to)
Face temptations,
Show compassion to the sick,
Embrace a child,
Call men and women to life,
Empower many with hope.
The Babe from Bethlehem who would
Gather at table with friends,
Leave a lasting memorial,
Face ridicule, insults and beatings,
Bear the weight of a cross,
Give his all out of love.
The Babe from Bethlehem who would
Destroy death and sin,
Bring new life to all creation,
Breathe his spirit into us,
Fill us with grace upon grace,
Draw people and nations to himself.
The Babe from Bethlehem who would
Move generation after generation,
Transform reality,
Establish the kingdom of God,
Live and move and breathe through countless saints,
Form the law of love.
The Babe from Bethlehem who would
Encompass the heart of Francis,
Challenge the way of life of Francis,
Rebuild the Church through Francis,
Be made known in the rule of Francis,
Be sweetness and fullness of living for Francis.
The Babe from Bethlehem who still today is
Present among us always,
Brought to birth by our actions and words,
Cause for our hope and joy,
Nourishment for our journey,
Our way, our truth, our life.
The Babe from Bethlehem… Jesus… our Brother and Savior.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. – Matthew 28. 20
May we be crib dwellers this holy season
and may we carry the Babe from Bethlehem into our daily living.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!