“Come and see,” Jesus says.
Come and see the call to life and transformation.
Come and see the needs of sister and brother.
Come and see the gift of love and mercy freely given.
Come and see the Savior, our redeemer.
Come and see what life is meant to be.
Come and see what freedom truly is.
Come and see what value each are given.
Come and see what is hope and how it can be.
Come and see how we can be fulfilled.
Come and see how we are called to serve.
Come and see how the Good News sets us free.
Come and see how the journey unfolds daily.
“Come and see.” Jesus says,
like Andrew I try to quick respond,
my following may be questioned filled
but come and see is what I strive for.
Not out of curiosity or pleasantries
rather out of promise and of hope,
for the One who says, “Come and see”
He alone is our Emmanuel.
“Come and see,” Jesus says,
I say, “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.”
He takes my hand and leads me on
for he knows the better way.