Where O death, is your victory?
Where O death, is your sting?
1 Corinthians 15.55
We too often buy into the idea that the victory of death and its sting is every day. In the trails we face, in the hardships endured, in broken promises, in lies made, in pain, in suffering, in losing a loved one, in unfair actions of others, in ways that focus not on the common good but rather on more for me, myself and I it seems to surround us.
We must remember that our world is created good and in fact we, the human race, is created very good. We are the image of God and creation is a reflection of God’s goodness and love. So, the question is maybe not, “Where O death, is your victory?” Maybe the real question is, “why do we let ourselves answer this question with false ideas?”
The statement that follows the above two questions is:
“But thanks be to God!
He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 15.57
And this is the answer as to why we should not let ourselves believe that the death and its sting has victory. The gift we celebrate at Easter is this, that we although sinful, tattered and torn by the harsh realities we live are not condemned to death. It is rather through the death of Jesus that we have new life and eternal life where death can never claim victory over us. This victory is ours because each one of us is the beloved of God.
As we walk forth from the empty tomb with our burdens and struggles, with our daily living, with our hurts and heartaches let us remember that even if this life is not all we hope it to be this is not the end of the story. Because Jesus rose from the dead, even when we feel that death is claiming its victory over us, it is not possible. Jesus himself said, “I have come so that they may have life, and have life to the full” (John 10.10). Death then can not have it’s victory or sting for we have been promised, given and restored to life.
Wherever you are in your journey as this Easter season begins, whatever ever you carry with you, whomever has hurt you or whomever you hold close, whenever it feels like you are always at the foot of the cross – remember the One who hung on that cross did not stay there. Christ loved us too much so he trusted in God and God’s will and chose to live with and within us eternally, entrusting us with the gift of his Spirit. The deaths we encounter even in there very rawness and piercing sword has no victory or sting for Christ Jesus is with us “always until the end of the ages” (Matthew 28.20)
May this Easter Season be one of empty tomb, fresh eyes,
hearing our name called in love
and rejoicing in the gift that life is ours today and for ever.
Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
Indeed, he is Risen! Alleluia!
Happy Easter!