There is an interesting line in the gospel of Mark in which Jesus says: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mark 13.31). We can often focus on the endings of things or the uncertainty around us but Jesus reminds us to focus on his words which are everlasting. As we continue to navigate the challenges of our times let us be reminded of some of his life-giving words.
Do not be afraid. (Luke 12)
Peace I give you. (John 20)
I am the bread of life, living water, good shepherd, gate. (John 6, John 4, John 10)
I am the vine you are the branches. (John 15)
I am the way, the truth and the life. (John 14)
Blessed are the children of God. (Matthew 5)
Love God and love neighbour. (Mark 12)
Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there. (Matthew 18)
Our Father.. your kingdom come… your will be done.. give us this day our daily bread…forgive us… (Luke 11)
We need to be reminded of these words and how they are infused into our living. It seems to me that the words of Jesus offer us hope for our time and encouragement for the challenges we face. It seems to me that Jesus assures us with his words that he will indeed “be with us until the end of the ages” (Matthew 28.20). It seems to me that when we feel discouraged or fear tries to creep in, we are offered courage, light and peace for the journey.
Wherever we are right now on the journey; whether it is joy-filled, burdensome, draining, or content, Jesus is right here with us and is constantly speaking his words of life to us.
Are we listening? It’s easy to be distracted. Maybe it’s time to put down the phone, turn off the television and stop doing so we can hear his voice.
Which words of Jesus are speaking to you this day? Spend some time with these words (read the passage once, sit with it for several minutes, pray with it – there are countless ways) let them be nourishment and life for the days ahead. They are meant for us, for our well-being, soul health and our life. The best part is they will remain always.
Photo Credit: Priscilla du Preez