The Summer 2024 issue of the Franciscan Missions magazine is available now and can be read online for free (for French-speaking audiences). Here’s a short summary of what’s inside (English translation provided). Use this link to open the original French language digital publication :
English translations of selected articles are also available here:
The Summer 2024 issue of the Franciscan Missions magazine is dedicated to the mission in Morocco, the first Franciscan mission. Articles by Bob Mokry, O.F.M., and Custodian Stéphane Delavelle, O.F.M., recount the history of the mission in Morocco and the challenges it faces today. An interview with Richard Chartier reveals Brother Sostenes’ missionary experience in Morocco.
Brother Benjamin Ripley, O.F.M.’s mission is unique and extraordinary. You can learn about it in an interview conducted by Richard Chartier with Brother Benjamin.
Francine Vincent offers a beautiful reflection on the intimacy of Jesus’ prayer in the Word of God column.
Gilles Bourdeau, O.F.M., and Richard Chartier, Director of the Franciscan Missions Office and Editor-in-Chief of the Franciscan Missions magazine, were interviewed about their mission and commitment in the Church. You will find links to listen to these interviews in the magazine and on this blog.
The follow-up on mission projects is an important aspect of our Office as it allows donors to see exactly how their contributions have been used. Projects 52 and 53 are the subject of an article that explains the current status of the projects and the utilization of the donations.
The Project Selection Committee proposes a project to support in Congo: a welding workshop to train young refugees from the war.
The Pope invites us to celebrate World Mission Day, which will take place on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Excerpts from the Pope’s message for this occasion are published in the magazine. It’s worth noting that Missionary Month takes place every year in October.
The magazine invites readers to experience Season of Creation from September 1 to October 4, 2024. A reflection text and reading suggestions will allow those interested to pray for the preservation of creation.
Finally, an important text to read on the Amazon produced by REPAM (Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network). The situation in the Amazon has become critical, nearing the point of no return. REPAM calls for a global action plan to protect and defend the Amazon.
To read the magazine for free (French language): Franciscan Missions Magazine Summer 2024 (
Happy reading!